To provide new products and services

The adult toy industry has an appetite for research.According to the Association for the Advancement of Sexual Health (AASH), the adult toy industry generates over $15 billion in revenue each year, and it's growing by about 5% annually. As you can imagine, this kind of growth creates a lot of demand for new products and services--and companies need data to help them decide what those should be.So how do they collect their data? They poll consumers through online surveys and focus groups, paying people money in exchange for their opinions on sex toys or other sexual wellness products. What kinds of questions do they ask? Well... let's just say that your typical survey won't ask about your favorite brand name or price point; instead, it'll probably ask about things like masturbation technique or sexual preferences (including kinks). And if you've ever taken one yourself--or seen someone else take one--you know that these sorts of questions aren't exactly easy topics to talk about! That said...they're necessary if we want companies making better high cost performance clit suckers than before so everyone wins :)