What kinds of products people use most often

The adult toy industry has an appetite for research. Why?Data collection is a big part of what the adult toy industry does, and they collect data in several ways:Surveys are one way they gather information from customers. These surveys can be conducted online or by phone, and they ask questions about things like age and marital status as well as what kinds of products people use most often when they buy luxurious clit suckers. The results of these surveys help retailers know which products are popular or trending so that they can stock their shelves accordingly (and make sure there's enough supply).In some cases, companies conduct focus groups where participants discuss aspects about their sex lives that might not otherwise come up during casual conversation--like whether or not there'd been any changes since having children! This kind of information helps retailers better understand how different demographics use erotic products such as vibrators; for example: Do men who identify themselves as straight still use them? Or do lesbians prefer strap-ons over other types?