You know what they say

You know what they say: cleanliness is next to godliness. But when it comes to your g spot massager, that adage might be more true than you'd think. Sex toys are often shared between partners—and sometimes even used on multiple orifices. So it's important to keep them clean. But what's the best way to do so? We've got some tips for you! 1. Make sure your sex toy is completely dry. After you've washed your sex toy, give it some time to dry completely before you store it away. You don't want any moisture left on the toy; it can cause bacteria or mold to grow if you don't let it air out. 2. Clean your sex toys with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. It's important to use anti-bacterial soap because you don't want anything else growing on your toys! 3. Use a cloth or paper towel to dry off the surface of the toy after washing it in the sink or bathtub. This will make sure that no water gets inside the battery compartment or other areas where moisture can damage electrical components and cause corrosion over time. 4. Store your sex toys in their original packaging if possible—this will help keep them clean from dust and debris that might get into crevices between body parts when you put them away after use (not all toys come with packaging though). Also make sure that your toys are in an airtight container so they don't absorb any smells from other items stored nearby!