You want to make sure that you're getting the most out of it

So you've got a clit, and you want to make sure that you're getting the most out of it. That's why we're making this guide—to help you figure out what kind of wearable clit sucker is right for you. First, let's talk about how your body's different from a clitoris. A clitoris is a little button that sits on top of your vulva. It has nerve endings, which means it can feel pleasure when stimulated. Most people have two or more of these buttons in their bodies (though not everyone has them all over), and they're located in different places on your body depending on where your clit is located—that's why it's sometimes called the "little clitoris." The first thing to consider when picking out a vibrator is whether or not you want one that uses batteries or plugs into an outlet. The second thing to consider is whether or not you want a toy with controls on it or if you'll be able to use playfully using your hands instead. If the controls are too complicated or far away from where they need to be, then they might not be the best choice for your needs.