The first rule of cleaning sex toys

The first rule of cleaning sex toys is that you should never, ever use soap. Soap is an oil-based product, so it will break down the silicone and rubber of your dildo. It can also damage the motor in vibrators and severely reduce their lifespan. Instead, use warm water and a mild antibacterial soap like Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Liquid Soap. Make sure you rinse thoroughly, then let it air dry before storing it away in a safe place. You should also avoid using bleach or any other chemical cleaners on your toys—they'll break them down faster than anything else! One of the best things about sex toys is that they're reusable. We're all about recycling, and we think you should be too. That's why we've put together this list of tips for cleaning your toys so they last as long as they can. 1. Know Your Materials: Silicone and glass are easy to clean and sterilize, but porous materials like jelly rubber or latex should not be shared with others because they may carry bacteria. 2. Rinse It Thoroughly With Hot Water: Make sure to rinse thoroughly—the water should run clear from your toy, not milky or cloudy. 3. Wash Your Hands Before Cleaning Your Toy: This makes it less likely that any germs from your hands will get transferred onto your toy (and then into your body). 4. Use Soap Or Antibacterial Solution If You Have One: If you want to use soap, make sure it isn't one made with perfumes or fragrances that might irritate sensitive skin or cause inflammation down there (we recommend Liquid Castile Soap).