One of the best things about using a remote-controlled vibrator

One of the best things about using a remote-controlled vibrator is that you can control the power of vibrations. This means that if you're feeling adventurous and want to try something new, all it takes is a few taps on your phone screen. You can also control when the vibrations start and stop--so if you're having trouble getting off, but would like to have an orgasm anyway (or vice versa), this feature is great for helping out!Finally, as mentioned above: You can adjust how fast or slow your toy will go by simply turning up or down its speed setting. If you want something more intense than usual one day--great! Just turn up its intensity level in seconds using our app! Control during solo sex.Control with a partner.Control from a distance, or at least to be able to know that your vibrator is doing what it's supposed to do even if you can't see it or touch it yourself.Control without anyone knowing that you're doing so (for those who are shy about their sexuality).