A sex toy controlled by a smartphone app is the best of both worlds

A sex toy controlled by a smartphone app is the best of both worlds. You can use it with a partner or by yourself, and you have complete control over the speed and intensity of the vibrations. If you're into public play, this is also great because nobody will know what you're doing!The only downside is that in order for your phone to be nearby when using your app controlled sex toys, but this isn't really a problem--it's easy enough just keep it in your pocket or purse while playing around with different settings (and if worse comes to worst, there are ways around this). The most obvious reason to choose an app-controlled vibrator is for control during solo sex. You can easily control the speed and intensity of your vibrations, which makes it easier to get off (or stay off) when you're alone. It's also great for partner play: if you have a partner who wants something more from their sex toy than just vibrations, an app-controlled vibrator will allow them to customize their experience without having to fumble with buttons or settings on their own device.If this sounds like something that might interest you, check out our list of tried-and-true favorites below!