
It might seem obvious

Vibrators are not just for women. It might seem obvious, but we have to say it because of how many people still think that vibrators are only for women. In truth, any person can use a enjoyable rose vibrator as long as they have a clitoris…

Vibrators don't just have to be used during sex

A vibrator is a sex toy, but it's a completely different experience.Vibrators aren't just for women. In fact, they can be used by anyone who wants to explore their body and its pleasures. They're also great for people who want to explore t…

Vibrators are a type of sex toy that can be used for many different things

Vibrators are a type of sex toy that can be used for many different things. They aren't just for women, they aren't just for sex, and they're not just used for pleasure or health reasons; vibrators have become so much more than that! Vibra…

Vibrators aren't just for sexual wellness either

Vibrators are not just for women.Vibrators are not just for sex.Vibrators are not just for sexual pleasure, or to help you get off (although they can do that). They're also not just something you use when you're in bed with your partner an…