
Create additional stimulation during use

A rose is typically made from silicone or latex. Silicone is a soft, pliable material that comes in a variety of textures and colors, while latex tends to be stiffer and more opaque. Both can be firm and rigid when necessary, but the flexi…

Silicone is a soft

A rose vibrator is typically made from silicone or latex. Silicone is a soft, pliable material that feels smooth to the touch, while latex is also soft and pliable but has a tackier feel. Both are firm enough to be picked up by your finger…

The material that a rose vibrator is made from can affect its overall feel

You may have noticed that many of the rose vibrators on the market are made from silicone or latex. These materials are soft, pliable and feel very smooth to the touch. They're also firm and rigid—in other words, they can be both hard and …

With any sex toy!Both types of these materials

A rose vibrator is typically made from silicone or latex. Silicone is a soft, pliable material that you can bend into any shape. It's also easy to clean because it's non-porous and doesn't absorb bacteria or body fluids like some other mat…