
They're easier to clean than latex products

The material of your vibrator is important because it goes a long way in determining how the vibe feels, its softness or stiffness, and how easily it can be cleaned.Here’s what you need to know:Silicone is soft and pliable like ladies wear…

You'll probably replace your toy before it breaks down

The material of a rose vibrator can be either silicone or latex. Both materials have their pros and cons, but for most people, silicone is the best choice because it's softer and more comfortable to use. If you find that you prefer a firme…

You may not want to use them with silicone lubricants

The material used to make the rose vibrator is typically silicone or latex. Silicone is soft, pliable, and smooth. Latex can also be soft, or it can have a firmer feel because of its elasticity.Silicone is more expensive than latex but has…

Vibrator's material is important

You might be wondering, “How does a rose vibrator work?” The answer is simple: it's made from silicone or latex.Silicone is soft and pliable, so it feels more like skin than other materials do. Latex is firm and rigid, which makes for a mo…