It's important to note that a vibrator is an incredibly personal thing

It's important to note that a vibrator is an incredibly personal thing. You can't just go out and buy any old one, because your needs are different from anyone else's. It's not like buying shoes or a shirt—you need to find the right fit for you.For example, if you're looking for something that will provide strong vibrations but isn't quite as powerful as other toys on the market, there are plenty of options out there! And if you're interested in exploring multiple types of stimulation at once (for example, penetration with clitoral stimulation), there are also plenty of products that offer both these sensations at once. Buying a vibrator is an incredibly personal thing. Different people have different needs and preferences, so one size doesn't fit all. If you feel like a salesperson is pressuring you to buy or recommending you buy something that doesn't work very well for your body, it's okay to walk away and try again another day—or ask them some questions about other products they sell that might be better suited to your needs.